
EasyTech Klasa e 6-të

Kursi ynë cakton automatikisht studentët me kurrikulë specifike të nivelit të klasës, me pikë automatike, të përafruar…

Kursi ynë cakton automatikisht studentët me kurrikulë specifike të nivelit të klasës, me pikë automatike, të përafruar me standarde, që do t’u sigurojë atyre aftësitë themelore teknologjike që u nevojiten për të qenë të suksesshëm në shekullin e 21-të.

Course Curriculum

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship
Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) * Online Safety: Dealing with Cyberbullying Online Safety: Digital Citizenship Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: Skills Check - Level MS (Post) Finding Balance in a Digital World Internet Usage and Online Communication: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Internet Usage: Browsing on the Internet Internet Usage: URLs and Websites Internet Usage: Web Searches Internet Usage: Validity and Sourcing Finding Credible News Validating Information Don't Feed the Phish Online Safety: Online Ethics Discussion Reflection Internet Usage: Ethical Use of Digital Resources Internet Usage: Navigating the World Wide Web Internet Usage: Effective Search Strategies Let's Take a Trip * Chatting Safely Online *Online Safety: Texting Safety Discussion Reflection * Netiquette in Online Communication * Commenting in the Virtual Classroom Online Communications: Online Personal Communication A Personal Approach to Effective Online Communication Online Communication: Using Personal Learning Networks Career Exploration Career Exploration (Presentations) Internet Usage and Online Communication: Skills Check - Level MS (Post) Digital Drama Unplugged How Would You Feel? Who Are You Online? * Online Safety: Safekeeping Personal Information Discussion Reflection Summer Online Safety Brochure

Getting Started
Creating a Portfolio

Keyboarding: Keyboard Layout and Keyboarding Procedures A: Lazy Days S: A Wax Axe D: Dad Does Deeds F: Fred Raved G: Green Tiger H: Henry's Hill J: Jake's Jars K: Kelly Keeps L: Lord Lillian Lower Row: Add Right Shift and C Lower Row: Add Left Shift and Colon Q: Quills Quip W: Wally Waxes E: Ed Eats Emu R: Rita Writes T: Tina's Trench Y: Flying Fly U: Ugly Mule I: Ike Likes Ice O: Wooly Todd P: Pip Pop Home Row: Review Home Row G, H, E, O, R Home, Upper & Lower Row: Mike the Spy Home, Upper & Lower Row: Spoons and Oars Home, Upper & Lower Row: Yes and No Home Row & Upper Row - A, S, D, F, J, K, L, ;, G, H, E, O, R, I, T Z: Zed's Quiz X: Lex's Axe C: Racing Aces V: Very Viv B: Big Bill N: Nora Nags M: Major Jam Home, Upper & Lower Row: Cool Eels Number Row: 0 Soil Bags Number Row: 1 Quip and Quay Number Row: 2 Wax Away Number Row: 3 Red Deers Number Row: 4 More Number Row: 5 Great Fevers Number Row: 6 May Try Number Row: 7 Joyful Hymns Number Row: 8 Poi Plates Number Row: 9 Poison Spines '-: Lolo's Pop Paul's Position Adaptive Keyboarding: Urban Keyboarding Explorer

IT Fundamentals
Computer Fundamentals: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Hardware Fundamentals: Basic Components Software Fundamentals: Using Program Menus and Toolbars Creating Program Menus Computer Fundamentals: Operating Systems and Browsing Software Fundamentals: Software, Buttons, and Controls Software Fundamentals: Navigating Ribbon Interfaces It's a Good Life IT Fundamentals: Input, Output, and Files Discussion Reflection Hardware and Software Fundamentals: Networking Hardware Fundamentals: Mobile Devices are Technology To Go Hardware and Software Fundamentals: Computing in the Cloud Computer Fundamentals: Skills Check - Level MS (Post)

Prep for Online Learning
Troubleshooting Basics for Online Learning Virtual Classroom Meetings

Multimedia: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Multimedia: Creating and Enhancing Images and Graphics Creating a Map Multimedia: Designing Documents with Desktop Publishing H2O, We Need You So! Class Survey Report Multimedia: Creating and Editing Video and Audio Acceptable Use Policy Video Multimedia: Skills Check - Level MS (Post)

Creativity & Innovation
Creativity & Innovation: Journey To The Past Creativity & Innovation: Podcast Project - Level 6 Creativity & Innovation: Module Reflection - Level 6

Computer Science
Computational Thinking: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Computational Thinking: Algorithmic Problem Solving Exploring the World Through a Disability Computational Thinking: Models and Simulations Computational Thinking: Implement and Test Egg-cellent Egg Building Your First Program (Tutorial) Interactive e-Card (Project) Codesters in Space (Tutorial) Monogram Design (Project) Shapes and Drawing (Tutorial) Amazing Animals (Project) Computational Thinking: Skills Check - Level MS (Post)

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