
EasyTech Klasa e 3-të

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Course Curriculum

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship
Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: Skills Check - Level 3 (Pre) 3-5 Online Safety and Digital Citizenship Introduction Video Cyberbullying: Vocabulary Introduction - Level 3 Cyberbullying: Vocabulary Practice - Level 3 Cyberbullying: A Sticky Situation Part 1 - Level 3 Cyberbullying: Sort Out Your Feelings Practice - Level 3 Cyberbullying: A Sticky Situation Part 2 - Level 3 Cyberbullying: Recipes for Dealing with Cyberbullying - Level 3 Cyberbullying: Understanding and Dealing with Cyberbullying PSA - Level 3 Digital Citizenship: Vocabulary Introduction - Level 3 Digital Citizenship: Vocabulary Practice - Level 3 Digital Citizenship: Quest for the Cookie - Level 3 Digital Citizenship: Quest for the Cookie Scavenger Hunt - Level 3 Online Safety: Acceptable Use Policies Discussion Reflection Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: Skills Check - Level 3 (Post) Password Power-Up * Your Rings of Responsibility Internet Usage and Online Communication: Skills Check - Level 3 (Pre) Internet Usage: Online Information Basics Internet Usage: Browsing and URLs Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches Internet Usage: Research, Resources, and Ethics Cut it Out! Save the Environment Information Literacy: Vocabulary Introduction - Level 3 Information Literacy Vocabulary Practice - Level 3 Information Literacy: Mia Seeks the Truth - Level 3 Information Literacy: Facts vs. Opinion Practice - Level 3 Information Literacy: Identifying Facts and Opinions Internet Usage and Online Communication: Skills Check - Level 3 (Post) This Is Me The Power Of Words Online Safety: Texting Safety Discussion Reflection Digital Citizenship: Being a Good Digital Citizen from A to Z - Level 3

Keyboarding: Home Row Home Row: Home Row F and J Home Row: D, K and J, F Home Row: S and L Home Row: A and ; Home Row: Add G, H Keyboarding: Upper Row Upper Row: Add E Upper Row: Add O Upper Row: Add R Upper Row: Add T Upper Row: Add I Upper Row: Add U Keyboarding: Lower Row Keyboarding: Shift Key Lower Row: Add Left Shift and Colon Lower Row: Add Right Shift and C Lower Row: Add Period Keyboarding: Number Row Adaptive Keyboarding: The Great Keyboarding Adventure

IT Fundamentals
Computer Fundamentals: Skills Check - Level 3 (Pre) Hardware Fundamentals: Printer Hardware Fundamentals: Scanner Hardware Fundamentals: Network Basics Software Fundamentals: Desktop Software Fundamentals: Windows and Controls Software Fundamentals: Toolbars and Menus Software Fundamentals: Software and File Formats IT Fundamentals: Devices and Compatibility Discussion Reflection Hardware Fundamentals: Mobile Devices Identifying Computer Devices Computer Fundamentals: Skills Check - Level 3 (Post)

Business Applications
Word Processing: Skills Check - Level 3 (Pre) Business Applications: Audience and Media Discussion Reflection Word Processing: Creating and Organizing Content Word Processing: Revising and Formatting Formatting a Poem Word Processing: Editing and Proofreading Your Work Word Processing: Skills Check - Level 3 (Post) Presentations: Skills Check - Level 3 (Pre) Presentations: Audience and Organization Presentations: Composing Slides Life Slideshow Booklet Presentations: Enhancing Slides Presentations: Evaluating and Presenting Habitat Presentation Presentations: Skills Check - Level 3 (Post) Spreadsheets and Databases: Skills Check - Level 3 (Pre) Spreadsheets: Parts Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns Spreadsheets: Cell Formatting Spreadsheets: Columns and Rows Spreadsheets: Pie Charts Coin Toss Probability Spreadsheets: Bar Charts Measuring Matter Databases: Using Databases to Store and Organize Data Databases: Performing Searches and Filtering Data Databases: Sort and Filter Spreadsheets and Databases: Skills Check - Level 3 (Post)

Visual Mapping: Skills Check - Level 3 (Pre) Visual Mapping: Idea Webs Visual Mapping: Formats and Outlines Water Cycle Visual Mapping: Skills Check - Level 3 (Post)

IT Fundamentals: Creativity & Innovation
Creativity & Innovation: Mia Talks Technology Creativity & Innovation: Interactive Practice - Level 3 Creativity & Innovation: Module Reflection - Level 3

IT Fundamentals: Data Literacy
Data Literacy: Trivia Smash! Data Literacy: Search Engine Surf - Level 3 Communicating with Data: Fancy Pigeon Frenzy Communicating with Data: The Bean City Museum Communicating with Data: Dot Plots - Level 3

Computer Science
Computational Thinking: Skills Check - Level 3 (Pre) Computational Thinking: Algorithms Mystery Animals Mystery Animals (Presentations) Computational Thinking: Modeling Computational Thinking: Skills Check - Level 3 (Post)

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