
EasyTech Klasa e 10-12

Kursi ynë cakton automatikisht studentët me kurrikulë specifike të nivelit të klasës, me pikë automatike, të përafruar…

Kursi ynë cakton automatikisht studentët me kurrikulë specifike të nivelit të klasës, me pikë automatike, të përafruar me standarde, që do t’u sigurojë atyre aftësitë themelore teknologjike që u nevojiten për të qenë të suksesshëm në shekullin e 21-të.

What Will You Learn?

  • Learning.com është ofruesi më i madh i zgjidhjeve mësimore të aftësive dixhitale në USA.
  • Të përgatiten nxënësit/studentët për suksesin e ardhshëm, është thelbësore që t'u ofrojmë mundësinë për të mësuar dhe zbatuar AFTËSITË DIXHITALE.

Course Curriculum

Keyboarding: Keyboard Layout and Keyboarding Procedures Adaptive Keyboarding: Archaeological Expedition

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship
* Online Safety: Online Etiquette Discussion Reflection * Online Safety: Digital Citizenship * Online Safety: Online Status Messages Discussion Reflection for High School * Protecting Online Reputations * Chatting and Red Flags Curated Lives Social Media and How You Feel Watch your Step! Avoiding Online Creeps Text Assured It's a Scam * Online Safety: Dealing with Cyberbullying What You Send In "That Moment When…" Spread the Word My Digital Life Is Like… Hoaxes and Fakes The Big Data Dilemma Risk Check for New Tech Online Communications: Communicating with Instant Messaging Online Communications: Reading and Writing Blogs Online Communications: Navigation and Mapping Online Communication: Communicating with Podcasts Online Communication: Sharing on a Community Site Online Communication: Using Personal Learning Networks Internet Usage: Ethical Use of Digital Resources Internet Usage: Navigating the World Wide Web Internet Usage: Effective Search Strategies Online Communications: Online Personal Communication Online Communication: Sharing Safely Online Online Communication: Sharing and Collaborating Online Internet Usage: Being a Global Citizen with Mapping Tools

IT Fundamentals
Software Fundamentals: Using Program Menus and Toolbars Computer Fundamentals: Operating Systems and Browsing Software Fundamentals: Software, Buttons, and Controls Software Fundamentals: Navigating Ribbon Interfaces Hardware and Software Fundamentals: Networking Hardware Fundamentals: Mobile Devices are Technology To Go Hardware and Software Fundamentals: Computing in the Cloud Hardware Fundamentals: Basic Components

Business Applications
Word Processing: Overview of Basic Skills Word Processing: Creating Professional Documents Word Processing: Flyer Print Design Word Processing: Visual Design Word Processing: Formatting Essays Using MLA Word Processing: Creating Original Works Word Processing: Finding Alternative Solutions to Problems Presentations: Basic Slide Show Elements Presentations: Consistency and Visual Design Presentations: Motion Design Presentations: Designing Non-Linear Presentations Spreadsheets: Parts and Navigation Spreadsheets: Basic Formatting Spreadsheets: Analyzing Data Spreadsheets: Formulas Spreadsheets: Functions Spreadsheets: Sharing and Filtering Spreadsheets: Trends and Forecasts Databases: Creating and Maintaining a Database

Multimedia: Creating and Enhancing Images and Graphics Multimedia: Designing Documents with Desktop Publishing Multimedia: Creating and Editing Video and Audio

Computer Science
Computational Thinking: Algorithmic Problem Solving Computational Thinking: Models and Simulations Computational Thinking: Implement and Test Building Your First Program (Tutorial) Interactive e-Card (Project) Codesters in Space (Tutorial) Monogram Design (Project) Shapes and Drawing (Tutorial) Amazing Animals (Project)

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