
EasyTech Klasa e 9-të

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Kursi ynë cakton automatikisht studentët me kurrikulë specifike të nivelit të klasës, me pikë automatike, të përafruar me standarde, që do t’u sigurojë atyre aftësitë themelore teknologjike që u nevojiten për të qenë të suksesshëm në shekullin e 21-të.

Course Curriculum

Keyboarding: Keyboard Layout and Keyboarding Procedures Adaptive Keyboarding: Urban Keyboarding Explorer

Getting Started
Creating a Portfolio

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship
Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) * Online Safety: Safekeeping Personal Information Discussion Reflection * Online Safety: Dealing with Cyberbullying Cyberbullying Case Study: Beyond the Victim Get the Word Out Being Aware of What You Share Online Safety: Healthy Computing Discussion Reflection * Online Safety: Digital Citizenship * Netiquette in Online Communications * Commenting in the Virtual Classroom Be Cyber Safe! * Online Safety: Texting Safety Discussion Reflection Think Before You Text Online Safety: Online Status Message Basics Discussion Reflection * The Power of Digital Footprints * Social Media and Digital Footprints: Our Responsibilities Halt! Who Goes There? Avoiding Online Creeps Online Safety: Understanding Identity Theft Discussion Reflection Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: Skills Check - Level MS (Post) My Media Use: A Personal Challenge Chatting Safely Online Internet Usage and Online Communication: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Online Communications: Communicating with Instant Messaging What is Thy Message? Online Communications: Reading and Writing Blogs Online Communications: Navigation and Mapping Online Communication: Communicating with Podcasts Online Communication: Sharing on a Community Site Online Communication: Using Personal Learning Networks Present and Future You Internet Usage: Ethical Use of Digital Resources Online Safety: Online Ethics Discussion Reflection Ethics and Consequences The Four Factors of Fair Use Internet Usage: Navigating the World Wide Web Internet? Web? Potato, Potato. Let's Call the Whole Thing Off Finding Credible News Internet Usage: Effective Search Strategies Let's Take a Trip Online Communications: Online Personal Communication A Personal Approach to Effective Online Communication Online Communication: Sharing Safely Online Online Communication: Sharing and Collaborating Online Person of Interest Internet Usage: Being a Global Citizen with Mapping Tools Booking Brian's Vacation Internet Usage and Online Communication: Skills Check - Level MS (Post) Digital Media and Your Brain Who Are You Online? My Social Media Life Summer Online Safety PSA Summer Online Safety PSA (Presentations)

Prep for Online Learning
* Netiquette in Online Communications * Commenting in the Virtual Classroom Troubleshooting Basics for Online Learning Virtual Classroom Meetings

IT Fundamentals
Computer Fundamentals: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Hardware Fundamentals: Basic Components Software Fundamentals: Using Program Menus and Toolbars Computer Fundamentals: Operating Systems and Browsing Software Fundamentals: Software, Buttons, and Controls Software and Society Software Fundamentals: Navigating Ribbon Interfaces Hardware and Software Fundamentals: Networking Using Networks IT Fundamentals: Network Compatibility Discussion Reflection Share and Tell IT Fundamentals: Input, Output, and Files Discussion Reflection Hardware Fundamentals: Mobile Devices are Technology To Go Hardware and Software Fundamentals: Computing in the Cloud Computer Fundamentals: Skills Check - Level MS (Post)

Business Applications
Word Processing: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Word Processing: Overview of Basic Skills Word Processing: Creating Professional Documents Put Word Processing to Work for You! Word Processing: Flyer Print Design Tools of the Trade Word Processing: Visual Design Following Directions Word Processing: Formatting Essays Using MLA What a Cite! MLA What A Cite! APA Avoiding Plagiarism Word Processing: Creating Original Works Know and Show Collaborative Tools in Word Processors Word Processing: Finding Alternative Solutions to Problems Well Stated! Technical Writing Word Processing: Skills Check - Level MS (Post) Presentations: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Presentations: Basic Slide Show Elements Enhanced Presentations with Basic Elements Presentations: Consistency and Visual Design Consistency and Good Visual Design in Presentations Presentations: Motion Design Saving the Environment Within My Community Presentations: Designing Non-Linear Presentations Gaming to Learn Career Exploration Presentations: Skills Check - Level MS (Post) Spreadsheets and Databases: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Spreadsheets: Parts and Navigation Weather Spreadsheet Spreadsheets: Basic Formatting Basketball Budget Spreadsheet Spreadsheets: Analyzing Data Planning for the Future Spreadsheets: Formulas A Spoonful of Sugar? Spreadsheets: Functions Orchestra Inventory Spreadsheets: Sharing and Filtering It's Just Business Spreadsheets: Trends and Forecasts Cell Phone Usage Databases: Creating and Maintaining a Database Movie Database Event Letter Mail Merge Spreadsheets and Databases: Skills Check - Level MS (Post)

Multimedia: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Multimedia: Creating and Enhancing Images and Graphics Do I need it? Multimedia: Designing Documents with Desktop Publishing Family Biography H2O, We Need You So! Multimedia: Creating and Editing Video and Audio Interviewing Historical Figures Acceptable Use Policy Video Multimedia: Skills Check - Level MS (Post)

Creativity & Innovation
Creativity & Innovation: Journey To The Past Creativity & Innovation: Invention Presentation Project - Level 8 Creativity & Innovation: Module Reflection - Level 8

Computer Science
Computational Thinking: Skills Check - Level MS (Pre) Computational Thinking: Algorithmic Problem Solving Exploring the World Through a Disability Algorithmic Government Computational Thinking: Models and Simulations The Perfect Park Computational Thinking: Implement and Test Egg-cellent Egg Drop Building Your First Program (Tutorial) Interactive e-Card (Project) Codesters in Space (Tutorial) Monogram Design (Project) Shapes and Drawing (Tutorial) Amazing Animals (Project) Computational Thinking: Skills Check - Level MS (Post)

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