
EasyTech Klasa e 4-të

Kursi ynë cakton automatikisht studentët me kurrikulë specifike të nivelit të klasës, me pikë automatike, të përafruar…

Kursi ynë cakton automatikisht studentët me kurrikulë specifike të nivelit të klasës, me pikë automatike, të përafruar me standarde, që do t’u sigurojë atyre aftësitë themelore teknologjike që u nevojiten për të qenë të suksesshëm në shekullin e 21-të.

Course Curriculum

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship
Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: Skills Check - Level 4 (Pre) 3-5 Online Safety and Digital Citizenship Introduction Video Cyberbullying: Vocabulary Introduction - Level 4 Cyberbullying Vocabulary Interactive Practice - Level 4 Cyberbullying: The Impostor - Level 4 Cyberbullying: What To Do If An Impostor Chooses You - Level 4 Cyberbullying: Sharing the Dangers of Cyberbullying - Level 4 Online Safety: Acceptable Use Policies Discussion Reflection Digital Citizenship: Vocabulary Introduction - Level 4 Digital Citizenship: Vocabulary Interactive Practice - Level 4 * Digital Citizenship: A Slippery Footprint - Level 4 Digital Citizenship: Following the Right Footprints - Level 4 Digital Citizenship: Make It A Game - Level 4 Online Safety: Texting Safety Discussion Reflection Online Safety and Digital Citizenship: Skills Check - Level 4 (Post) My Media Choices Keeping Games Fun and Friendly Our Online Tracks Be A Super Digital Citizen Summer Online Safety Presentation

Adaptive Keyboarding: The Great Keyboarding Adventure Keyboarding: Home Row Home Row: Review Home Row Keyboarding: Upper Row Home Row: Review Home Row G, H, E, O, R Home Row & Upper Row - A, S, D, F, J, K, L, ;, G, H, E, O, R, I, T Keyboarding: Lower Row Keyboarding: Shift Key Lower Row: Add Left Shift and Colon Lower Row: Add Right Shift and C Lower Row: Add Period Keyboarding: Number Row

IT Fundamentals
Computer Fundamentals: Skills Check - Level 4 (Pre) Hardware Fundamentals: Network Basics Software Fundamentals: Desktop Software Fundamentals: Windows and Controls Software Fundamentals: Toolbars and Menus Software Fundamentals: Software and File Formats IT Fundamentals: Devices and Compatibility Discussion Reflection Hardware Fundamentals: Mobile Devices Computer Compatibility Computer Fundamentals: Skills Check - Level 4 (Post)

Business Applications
Word Processing: Skills Check - Level 4 (Pre) Business Applications: Audience and Media Discussion Reflection Word Processing: Creating and Organizing Content Word Processing: Revising and Formatting Word Processing: Editing and Proofreading Your Work Word Processing: Page Layout Guidebook Word Processing: Introduction to Desktop Publishing Computer Rules Sign Word Processing: Skills Check - Level 4 (Post) Presentations: Skills Check - Level 4 (Pre) Presentations: Audience and Organization Presentations: Composing Slides Presentations: Enhancing Slides Presentations: Evaluating and Presenting Tourism Guide Tourism Guide (Presentations) Presentations: Skills Check - Level 4 (Post) Spreadsheets and Databases: Skills Check - Level 4 (Pre) Spreadsheets: Pie Charts Spreadsheets: Bar Charts Spreadsheets: Line Charts Weekly Reading Graph Spreadsheets: Using Formulas to Add and Subtract Spreadsheets: Using Formulas to Multiply and Divide Spreadsheets: Copying Formulas and Functions Camping Supplies Spreadsheet Databases: Performing Searches and Filtering Data Databases: Sort and Filter Databases: Planning and Building a Database Databases: Designing Queries and Reports Spreadsheets and Databases: Skills Check - Level 4 (Post)

Computer Science
Computational Thinking: Skills Check - Level 4 (Pre) Computational Thinking: Algorithms Computational Thinking: Modeling Bedroom Blueprint Computational Thinking: Skills Check - Level 4 (Post)

IT Fundamentals: Data Literacy
Data Literacy: Trivia Smash! Data Literacy: Regional Weather - Level 4 Communicating with Data: The Bean City Museum Communicating with Data: Explore Your Town

IT Fundamentals: Creativity & Innovation
Creativity & Innovation: Mia Talks Technology Creativity & Innovation: Project - Level 4 Creativity & Innovation: Module Reflection - Level 4

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