
EasyTech Klasa e 2-të

Kursi ynë cakton automatikisht studentët me kurrikulë specifike të nivelit të klasës, me pikë automatike, të përafruar…

Kursi ynë cakton automatikisht studentët me kurrikulë specifike të nivelit të klasës, me pikë automatike, të përafruar me standarde, që do t’u sigurojë atyre aftësitë themelore teknologjike që u nevojiten për të qenë të suksesshëm në shekullin e 21-të.

Course Curriculum

Online Safety and Digital Citizenship
Online Safety & Digital Citizenship: Introduction - Level K-2 * Introduction to Digital Citizenship: Cyberbullying * Introduction to Online Safety: Protecting Your Privacy *Digital Citizenship: The Mysterious Map – Level 2 *Digital Citizenship: Into the Trees – Level 2 Digital Citizenship: Netiquette Vocabulary Practice - Level 2 Digital Citizenship: Be Kind Online - Level 2 *Digital Citizenship: Fort in the Forest - Level 2 Digital Citizenship: Vocabulary Interactive Practice - Level 2 Digital Citizenship: Footprints and Identity - Level 2 Cyberbullying: The Legendary Shellphone Part 1 - Level 2 Cyberbullying: The Legendary Shellphone Part 2 - Level 2 Cyberbullying: Vocabulary Interactive Practice - Level 2 Cyberbullying: Awareness and Response - Level 2 Device Free Moments Online Safety: Safe Site Strategies Discussion Reflection Internet Usage: Online Information Basics Internet Usage: Browsing and URLs Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches Internet Usage: Research, Resources, and Ethics Let's Give Credit! Share It Through Trading Cards Internet Usage: Browsing and URLs Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches Internet Usage: Research, Resources, and Ethics Internet Usage: Research, Resources, and Ethics Let's Give Credit! Share It Through Trading Cards Internet Usage: Browsing and URLs Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches Internet Usage: Safe and Effective Online Searches Internet Usage: Research, Resources, and Ethics Internet Usage: Research, Resources, and Ethics Let's Give Credit! Share It Through Trading Cards That's Private! Putting a STOP to Online Meanness Who Is In Your Online Community? Summer Online Safety Poster

IT Fundamentals
IT Fundamentals: An Icon-ic Concert Part 1 IT Fundamentals: An Icon-ic Concert Part 2 IT Fundamentals: An Icon-ic Practice Spelling Star Computer Fundamentals: Processors, Input and Output Devices Hardware Fundamentals: Printer Hardware Fundamentals: Scanner Computer Fundamentals: Data Storage Hardware Fundamentals: Network Basics Software Fundamentals: Desktop Software Fundamentals: Windows and Controls Software Fundamentals: Toolbars and Menus Software Fundamentals: Software and File Formats

Keyboarding: Touch Keyboarding Discussion Reflection Keyboarding: Home Row Keyboarding: Home Row Keyboarding: Upper Row Keyboarding: Upper Row Keyboarding: Lower Row Keyboarding: Lower Row Keyboarding: Number Row Keyboarding: Number Row Keyboarding: Shift Key Keyboarding: Shift Key Keyboard Garden Block Party

Business Applications
Word Processing: Basic Document Creation Word Processing: Formatting Text Correcting Words Grammar Safari Spreadsheets: Parts Spreadsheets: Parts Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns Spreadsheets: Navigating Cells, Rows, and Columns Spreadsheets: Cell Formatting Spreadsheets: Cell Formatting Acts of Kindness Spreadsheets: Columns and Rows Spreadsheets: Columns and Rows Class Pets Spreadsheet Class Pets Spreadsheet (Presentations) Spreadsheets: Line Charts Spreadsheets: Line Charts Graphing Weather Business Applications: Finding Information Discussion Reflection Databases: Classifying Data Databases: Classifying Data Databases: Using Databases to Store and Organize Data Databases: Using Databases to Store and Organize Data

Multimedia+C102:C1+C102:C10807 Visual Mapping: Attributes and Linking Designing a Visual Map Visual Mapping: Idea Webs Visual Mapping: Formats and Outlines Water Cycle

Computer Science
Computational Thinking: Directions Computational Thinking: Directions A New Student in Class

IT Fundamentals: Data Literacy
Data Literacy: Discovering Data Data Literacy: Poster Project - Level 2 Communicating with Data: Sharing the Stars Communicating with Data: Pictographs and Bar Graphs - Level 1-2

IT Fundamentals: Tech & Communities
Tech & Communities: Emerging Technologies Discussion Reflection - Level K-2 Tech & Communities: Interactive Practice - Level 2

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